It all began when the first human developed a taste for its own kind, feeding on human flesh and rapidly growing stronger. As this cannibalistic horror spread, infecting more victims with each human consumed, humanity witnessed the rise of a new apex predator - the wendigo. These ruthless beasts wasted no time establishing dominion over mankind, their numbers and power swelling with every town and city claimed.The humans refuse to believe Manducare exists, and raised the next generations to not question what’s beyond the border. To the humans behind the safe walls, they still live on Earth.


The entire world population resides together in a massive, walled metropolis that takes up half the Pangaean supercontinent called Modern Earth. This global supercity is organized into districts representing different cultures and ruled as a unified monarchy. Tall barricades surround the city on all sides, guarded to prevent entry from the unknown lands beyond. Nothing ever is allowed from the outside in. There are only two rules that are severely enforced.

Anyone who wanted to see what was outside the barrier or attempted to has been mysteriously taken away and was never seen again. Theories are rampant, people think the wastelands outside are filled with violent nomadic gangs. Or forests crawling with dangerous mutated creatures. Perhaps there are even whispered rumors of a high-tech utopia for elites. The humans refuse to believe anything of the farms exists, and raised the next generations to not question what’s beyond the border. To the humans behind safe walls, they still live on Modern Earth Earth.A secret underground network is led by a charismatic rebel leader. They communicate via coded messages and recruit frustrated citizens one by one to see what lies beyond the walls.The walls are constantly guarded and monitored. Only the strongest can work as sentries, and they receive multiple discounts and benefits for their service.Heightened security and censorship have led to growing unrest within Modern Earth's districts. With no knowledge of outside and no hope of leaving, dissidents are easy prey for radicals promising the truth. But what dark reality lies beyond the barricade's gleaming facade? And how far will the authorities go to preserve order in this closed system?


Wendigo Biology and Behavior: A Scientific Analysis

Classification: Wendigos are classified under the genus Allobipes, with the scientific name Allobipes horrificans. They are bipedal mammalian creatures estimated to stand 10-20 feet tall.Origin: The origins of wendigos are unclear, but most sightings came once the first human devoured another. It's safe to assume wendigo's come from cannibalism. Their biology has adapted over generations to suit predatory and scavenging niches.Physical Attributes: Wendigos have stringy muscle and bone anatomy. Their semi-translucent skin pulls tightly over frame. Notable are elongated canines and claw-like nails used to rend prey. Enhanced olfactory senses aid hunting. They possess a thick hide and elevated regenerative abilities.Behavioral Patterns: Wendigos are solitary apex predators with large hunting territories. They employ stealthy ambush tactics, relying on camouflage and enhanced low-light vision. Diet consists primarily of other scavengers and humanoids, with a strong preference for human flesh. Aggressive and territorial when threatened. Known to abduct living prey for prolonged consumption.Reproduction: Little is known of their reproductive habits due to solitary nature. Females likely give birth to litters of 1-4 young after prolonged gestation. Offspring are rapidly maturing and may accompany mothers on hunts after only months. Wendigos are long-living and immortal.

A person who resorts to consuming human flesh can become cursed and gradually transform into a Wendigo.The transformation into a Wendigo is often described as a physical and psychological change. The person's body becomes emaciated, their skin stretches tightly over their bones, and their eyes glow with an eerie light. They develop an insatiable hunger for human flesh, and their mind becomes consumed by an overwhelming desire to hunt and consume other humans.

Wendigos are believed to have incredibly effective camouflage, allowing them to perfectly blend into their surroundings. They are also highly skilled stealth hunters, rarely being detected by prey. This makes direct sightings extremely rare. Most wendigo attacks and abductions seem to occur at night or in low-light conditions. This has led scientists to believe they have nocturnal or crepuscular behaviors. Since humans are diurnal, we seldom encounter them during daylight hours.

Superhuman Strength - Many legends say wendigos can crush bones and rip people apart easily due to their inhumanly powerful muscles and frames.Thermoregulation - They are able to withstand and even thrive in extremely frigid Arctic conditions that would kill humans. Immunity to frostbite or hypothermia.Regeneration - Tissue, bone and organ damage heals at an accelerated rate, allowing wendigos to survive severe injuries that would kill other creatures.Camouflage - Their gaunt, hairless bodies take on the aspect of their surroundings, rendering them near-invisible in forest or tundra settings.Low Light Vision - Large eyes grant excellent night vision, enabling them to hunt nocturnally as well as during dusk and dawn twilight hours.Enhanced Senses - Far superior sense of smell, hearing and navigation through tricky woodland/snowy terrain sensor abilities.Telepathy/Domination - Some myths say wendigos can project terrifying mental images or control weaker minds, driving victims into a panic.Immortality - Often seen as unaging spirits or demons unless killed. May live indefinitely if able to regularly consume human flesh.Shapeshifting - Potential to morph bodily form or take on camouflaged appearances to more effectively hunt/scare victims.Communication - Perhaps an ability to communicate silently with other wendigos via psi abilities over long distances.


It all began with Leonid Viktorovich Vasiliev...

Leonid Viktorovich Vasiliev

It all started with a hiking trip up Mount Everest. Yevgeny Vladimirovich Medvedev and Leonid Viktorovich Vasiliev were planning on beating the Mount Everest climbing record of 16 hours and 56 minutes.

Yevgeny Vladimirovich Medvedev

They were all ready and prepared, but Yevgeny was more rational with their goal while Leonid was stubborn and insisted they were going to beat the goal or die trying. The two set off on May 16th at 5 in the morning due to moderate temperatures, less jet streams, and the current champion climber did so.At first it was going normal, but eventually problems started rolling in. Leonid was experiencing altitude sickness, and that kept causing stops. Yevgeny insisted they call for help or go back down since Leonid was slowing down due to constant motion sickness but Leonid refused. Due to his constant vomiting, Leonid ate most of their supplies.Nearing the highest point of Mount Everest, an avalanche started and the two were forced to shelter in a cave. The snow blocked the entrance, and Yevgeny demanded he’d contact someone as soon as his radio started functioning. They were trapped in there for days before their food supply disappeared. With Leonid close to death, he resorted to one final way to survive: Cannibalism.Leonid used the last strength in his dying body to kill a sleeping Yevgeny, devouring limb by limb until bones were left. Using that strength from eating Yevgeny, Leonid clawed his way out of the snow and used the last of the his supplies to make the descent back down. But he was in a daze, he felt… different. He couldn’t make it all the way down, so any hikers he saw on the way down he devoured rapidly growing stronger with each body. To this day, it isn’t known how many bodies he ate on Mount Everest - from corpses to climbers - but it was enough to grant him enough strength to climb down.

There has been no sighting of Leonid - considered Manducare, the Wendigo King - but his influences spread. More cases of cannibalism suddenly popped up, and whole small towns started disappearing off the map. As this cannibalistic horror spread, infecting more victims with each human consumed, humanity witnessed the rise of a new apex predator - the wendigo.These ruthless beasts were ravenous, and ate without discrimination. Glimpses of the beasts from survivors said they were able to take appearance of either deer-like humans and monstrous wendigo’s. These ruthless beasts wasted no time establishing dominion over mankind, their numbers and power swelling with every town and city claimed. The wendigos imposed their rule by force, demanding access to fresh "meat" in exchange for sparing local populations from outright slaughter.It was the ingenious idea of Svetlana Alexandrovna Romanova to build a supercity, split off half of the world to fit the billions of survivors of the disaster. She worked with every other country into making the barricade, and it took a decade. Svetlana’s granddaughter, Anastasia, saw its completion.

The alarms sounded, the evacuation notices were sent, any humans who have survived the Wendigo slaughter was to come to that safe point. The upper half of the pangea was barricaded horizontally, with over 56 hours of distance from the very east to west guarded by its own sectors. Humans came in mass droves, homeless due to the wendigos tearing their buildings apart. Only 4 billion of that 8 billion had survived the wendigo slaughter. Some humans were never accounted for, and were declared dead since nobody could survive outside the walls.Anastasia established a monarchy and her family led the supercity into prosperity and peace. Her daughter, Marina, took over after her health took a bad turn. Marina is the current ruler of Modern Earth. Marina Romanova is married to Aleksei Popov.

Marina Romonov

Aleksei Popov



High-grade quality

The High-Grade A+ Farms are farms solely for producing, processing, and producing the tastiest grade of human meat. Wendigo’s found that humans around the age of 25-50 were the tastiest since that is when the brain is fully developed and the human body is at its peak. The humans here are raised in simulated “edens” domes, large plains, forests, and a household ran by two older humans with the outside walls blocking all view of outside. All of the High-Grade A+ farms are ran by the same group of wendigos who protect the walls surrounding the farms so other wendigos dont steal their humans away.

All the High-Grade farms are inside giant domes to prevent the adults from escaping. No one can see outside the walls and there is only one exit which is blocked from view. The farm is one big building that houses nearly 30-50 adults excluding 2 caretakers. Surrounding the house are vast plains, and beyond the plains are dense forests meant to block the walls. Every human living inside the farms have a number identification on their wrists and transmitters in their ears so they are constantly able to be found.

Inside the farms, the adults are raised as normally as possible with no sign of what’s to come. From the moment they are born to when they are shipped out, they are given anything they want to prevent minimal stress. They are served gourmet food, sleep in comfortable beds, have extracurricular activities, events are planned, games are played, school is given, infirmary take’s care of any conditions, and they are rarely told no. They are allowed to wear whatever they want as well.The building houses residents separated by age levels. Younger children sleep on the top floors, with rooms getting progressively lower as age increases. Everyone has their own bedroom, organized by age sector. For example, Hallway A houses those 0-10 years old, Hallway B those 11-20, and so on. The oldest residents are expected to help care for the youngest, assisting the primary caretakers. Caretakers closely monitor and record each person's behavior and happiness levels. Those demonstrating exemplary caretaking skills and the most joyful dispositions are occasionally "shipped out to explore the world" as a reward. The oldest person ever sent outside was a 50-year-old resident.In the residential sectors for adults ages 25 and older, romance is actively encouraged. Adults in relationships are given complete privacy in their living quarters should their romances become intimate. Any children born from such unions would be raised communally by the entire facility. Having families is strongly incentivized, with perks provided to couples who bear children. The children essentially become wards of the orphanage-like setting. They are raised collectively by all caretakers and older residents. Their parents may retain a connection but have no singular authority once a new life is created.


Low-grade quality

The 'Low Grade' farms operate as prison-like concrete compounds housing over 13,000 human inmates at a time, all implanted with tracking devices. Crammed together in poor conditions, they are pumped full of experimental chemicals to make them ‘tastier’. While this produces inferior tasting 'meat', these farms allow lower-ranked wendigos to profit from the human farming system too. The constant mental manipulation leads to outbreaks of violence, requiring wendigo guards to keep order.

All Low-Grade farming operations take place inside vast concrete facilities. These structures resemble prisons for humans in order to prevent escape attempts by the adult inhabitants. The facilities are consistently overcrowded, housing around 13,000 inmates each. With such dense populations, infighting is a constant problem. Wendigo guards must vigilantly maintain order and calm among the chaotic masses. Every person confined within the farms has identifying information branded directly onto their bodies. Transmitters are surgically embedded within ears, allowing constant surveillance of each individual's movements and location via monitoring systems.

The living spaces are organized vertically by age, similar to the previous facility. Younger children sleep on upper floors, with rooms getting lower as residents age.Everyone has their own bedroom within sectors divided by age range. For example, Hallway A houses those 0-10 years old, Hallway B those 11-20, and so on. The key difference in Low-Grade farms is that butchering and processing of humans takes place on-site, within a segregated area of each facility. No one except the wendigo overseers knows the exact procedures involved once a person is taken away. Food shortages are common due to wendigos' reluctance to perform the necessary labor. All residents, from the moment they can walk, are expected to work. Jobs involve farming and serving as informants on other humans. Tensions always run high within the cramped, overpopulated conditions. Strict obedience is imposed yet outbreaks of violence regularly occur. Life expectancy for Low-Grades remains low within this arduous, dehumanizing system of warehousing and exploitation.There is a high amount of humans in each facility, so breeding isn’t always required. But if numbers are getting lock, they will start adding perks to those who have children: room ventilation, high quality food, and a room away from everyone else.


HIGHEST QUALITY TO LOWEST (Highest is the top lowest is the bottom)

Úlfur Karlsson.

Úlfur Karlsson


- stoic- withdrawn- haunted

escaped - still searching.janitor link

HIGHEST QUALITY TO LOWEST (Highest is the top lowest is the bottom)

marcel fontaine

jett adler

stefano deluca


jett adler


- rebellious- hot-headed- reckless

cant be shipped, too angry to be delicious, anymore attempts at escaping will be met with slaughter.janitor link

marcel fontaine


- friendly- humorous- carefree

no improvement, shipment is impendingjanitor link



rowan bartoszek


- laidback- observant- quiet

suspicious. knows too much. shipment impending.janitor link



stefano deluca

apprentice caretaker

- cunning- observant- meticulous

need to improve happiness score, proves useful despite not being tasty.janitor link



HIGHEST QUALITY TO LOWEST (Highest is the top lowest is the bottom)

